Krystal's Story

Krystal Herald

This is my eleventh year in Girl Scouts and I've never been more happy with how my future is turning out. Girl Scouts has never made me feel insecure or weird for being more creative and curious than the average person. My troop, and camp, has always been my safe place where I can just have fun with people who enjoy things I like doing too!

I remember as a Daisy, I would always beg my troop leaders for more craft time when I was younger just to make my SWAPs perfect! I also remember lots of glue gun burns too (from me trying to be independent, yet not knowing how a glue gun works).

Speaking of being independent, Girl Scouts has shaped me into the girl I am today. Through cookie selling, being a counselor in training, and all the other huge opportunities, I have become very independent and understanding of the world around me. I've surprised myself by all the things I've learned over these 11 years. I know how to braid four different ways!

But I have to give all of this credit to my leader, my built in best friend, and, of course, my mom. She is so strong and kind. I couldn't possibly ask for a better woman as my leader. Thank you Momma!

I am currently working towards my Gold Award. After high school I plan to major in environmental science and minor in arts! I want to become a biochemist when I'm older and become a lifelong Girl Scout!

March 2022